Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Chapter 1.2

"Oh my god, he sent me a text!"
Who sent you text, Trista?

We start this update with Trista showing how excited she gets over the little things. Garlic had the wish to send Trista a text, I thought I would grant it for him to make him happy. Trista then wakes up out of a dead sleep to check her phone and gets so excited! You'd think she'd never gotten a text before!

As you can see Trista is well on her way to having that first baby. I was really looking forward to this one, as I wanted to see the effects of what the white skin of Garlic and the yellow skin of Trista would create.

"We hear it! The voices are pleased we will have another friend!"


In the meantime, we still need to skill, and still needed to advance in the culinary career. With Trista pregnant now, she wasn't going to work anytime soon, and so we only had Garlic's wages to live off of. Normally I'd have my sims eating quick meals and leftovers to save up money, but with Garlic having to learn to cook and having to learn new recipes it was costing a bit of money.

You're pretty excited, what's up Garlic?
"I did it! I made a pie without burning it! The voices are so please with me, they said my delusions will only be half as bad!"
Oh that's good! Congratulations!

I was pretty proud of him, I even kept the voices away for a bit so he could get another promotion.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! THIS HURTS!"
Well crap, I can't help you! Go to the hospital!
"Owwwwwwwwwwwwww! I CAN'T MOVE!
Hmm lets have Garlic click on her and see what options come up. Oh take Trista to the hospital, that will work! (I usually click on the sim and tell them what to do, so this was new to me.)

"Send it back! That is not mine!"
Garlic, yes it is!
"No it's not, it's not even close to mine!"

I knew the baby was Garlic's, as I could see it in the family tree, know when she got pregnant, and knew she hadn't cheated on him. But I was totally shocked when this little black demon baby came out of the hospital with Trista. Maybe she was as easy as I thought and something did happen at University! Anyways, they had a boy, even if Garlic is in denial. They named him Pepper, and even without controlling Trista anytime during her pregnancy, I got to choose the traits. I rolled random, took out the worst of the two, and added insane to the mix. Pepper Buffet, Insane and Hates the Outdoors, favorite color. white. Great, that didn't go as well as planned! So now for Generation two, the color theme will be white also. BORING! I might have to rethink this idea.

"So that is how you stop it from screaming! How cool is that!"
Thank you Garlic, I thought he was going to starve!

Garlic, even still thinking the baby wasn't his, turned out to be a pretty great dad. Trista, was also a pretty good mom, but she usually waited until Pepper was screaming for hours before taking care of his needs. Then when she did take care of him, she wanted to put him down on the floor between every little thing! Garlic was starting to get worried as he had to go back to work and she was going to be left on her own for the first time!

"Don't forget to feed him!"
"I won't!"
"Or change him!"
"I won't!"
"Or put him to bed!"
Garlic, go to work, you're going to be late!
"Fine, but if the social worker comes, it's your fault!"

Oh how I know this. Trista wasn't as bad as I thought she was going to be when left on her own. She did seem to get sidetracked a lot with TV, cheering, and checking herself out all the time, but she managed to keep little Pepper fed and clean for the most part also. He'd get into the orange, but then motherly instinct would kick in and she would get him back into the green. We made it through infancy without getting a notification for a social worker! Though at this point Trista has now been fired for not showing up to work. ever!

The birthday notice came up for Pepper and I wasn't sure at this point how we were going to do this. I figured I'd have Garlic do the honors of taking Pepper to the cake since I couldn't control Trista to do it. We bought a cake and I commanded Garlic to take Pepper to the cake. Trista then proceeded to pick Pepper up and take him to the cake herself, hmm okay so maybe I can control her a little, through him! This could get interesting!


Garlic:*Uncontrollable laughter*
What are you laughing at, it's just a birthday?
"I don't know, but it's so funny!"
Yep, he just kept laughing and laughing throughout the whole celebration. Have I mentioned he's a bit off?

AHHHHHH! What is that!

Oh thank god we get to have at least one more! Pepper turned out a bit more scarier than I thought, I don't know what it is about this boy that freaks me out a bit. I mean he's cute, but oh so creepy as well.

Garlic panics as soon as Pepper changes into a toddler
"I want a refund! The voices are scared! Please send it back and get me a new one!"
He's yours Garlic! I keep telling you he is yours!
"I don't believe you, show me proof!"

No fails this update.

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