"Oh my god!"
"I just saw something horrible!"
What did you see?
"I'm too traumatized to answer that."
Really, not even a hint huh?

She never did tell me what she saw, but she stayed away from the telescope after that.
And the fails start right off the bat.
"Sorry, couldn't hold it!"

Then she passes out next to her bed, in her pee puddle!

Sonia is still at it, this time she's all over Harper's ass for something. She went to school, she did her homework, what else do you want!

The next day, Calliope makes it to school, and through the whole day. Afterwards though, is another story.
Random Sim Dude: "She's kinda hot laying there all vulnerable."
Go away, you will not be in this family.

We were out searching for space rocks, when we came upon Saxton an Olive at the park.
Oh Saxton, is that your girlfriend?
The girl your talking too!
"I see no girl, I only see Aunt Olive."
Ugh, when will my spares reproduce!


Poor Calliope was so in the red, I felt so bad!
I decided we needed a Simbot around the house. No one but Mint seemed to clean up, and it was starting to look like a rundown homeless shelter. Piss places everywhere, dirty dishes, nasty this and nasty that. So I sent Mint down to the scrap yard to gather some scrap. She also brought home a stereo, night table, and a new chair. All of which were junk till we fixed them.

Leaving the scrap yard, we spotted a fine looking specimen going into the thrift shop. Mint went and talked to him to see if he was interested in her daughter. Come to find out, the blue chick behind him was his wife. Well crap!

"Hi Saxton! Bye Saxton!"
Not even going to stop are you?
"No. I stink and want a shower! You had me digging through crap all day!"
Okay then!

It was finally Harper's birthday, and this is when I started to wonder if I had made the right choice for the next Torch Holder.

After hours of thinking, asking everyone that was over at my house, and everyone on here. I finally decided to keep the decision I had made and have Calliope as TH.
What are you doing!?
"Sooooo coooold." ^teeth chatter*
What were you doing to be out there that long!
"Sooooo cooooold."
Mint! Get up, your daughter was a dumbass and is freezing herself to death outside!

Oh no! Zander!
"Sorry, the cold made it happen!"
Uh huh.

And I am sure the cold made that happen too?

Finally, what seemed like forever later, Mint got her butt out of bed and unthawed Calli.

"Look at me! I did all my homework!"
Are you not getting enough attention Harper?
"No, you're too worried about Calli and her stupid shenanigans!"
Sorry, I'll try and pay more attention to you!
"Thank you, that is all I ask."

What did you do?
"Don't take pictures now! I didn't mean when I did something bad!"
But what did you do!
"I don't know, I just went to look at this new robot thing and I blew up!"

I honestly do not know why both her and Calliope smoked and then got singed, mysteries of the game.
Mint was next to fail. My fault obviously since I control her. I am really good at this game!

Oh are you done?
"Really? Your going to take a picture of my crappy artwork now?"
You said I didn't pay attention to you enough!
"Go back to ignoring me, I liked that better."

I decided not to have Mint work on making a Simbot yet, as I wanted her with her maxed out logic, to work on getting the Imaginary Friend potion made. She was whipping through them and discovered it within just two sim days, and that was with taking breaks for her needs. YAY Mint! Now make me a few so I can keep them in the TH's inventory!
"Slave driver!"
Yeah, yeah, just work. It's not like you have a real job anyways!

She got 3 made before this happened.

So I had Mint stop making potions to head outside to put out the fire. While she was taking her sweet little time changing back into her normal clothes, Calliope chooses this time to have her birthday.
"Yay! I'm going to be the new Torch Holder!"
Ugh, now!
"I look pretty right?"
Yes, yes, you are pretty, but right now I'm worried about your brother!

Since Mint was taking her sweet ass time, and Calliope had officially became the heir after her birthday, I quickly switch control over to Calli to get her to put out the fire. She started running over to help her brother, when he was triggered for his birthday!
"Yay! It's my birthday!"
You're on fire!
"I know, I'm hot right!?"
No! You are really on fire!

Calliope was trying to help, but she couldn't figure out how to use the fire extiguisher.
"Where are the firemen!"
I don't know, I didn't put a smoke detector outside!
Yeah, I know that now! Oh look, MInt is finally joining us!

By this time, everyone in the fricking neighborhood had showed up! Hi Pepper, Hi Olive!
"His butt is on fire!"
Put him out!
"I'm trying! Its not working!"

My husband is now over my shoulder laughing his ass off. I'm pausing the game, starting it, screaming, pausing, starting it. He's just laughing and laughing. Zander finally smartens up and moves away from the flames, but they follow him as his butt still is on fire!

Then the bad happens. He died! Noooo! Poor poor Zander! On his birthday too!

The flames are getting higher and higher, we didn't have much time to grieve as they were getting out of control. Next thing we know, Olive is on fire! NOOOO! Come on!

While Calliope was trying to put the fire out, everyone else was screaming and getting singed. Sonia then runs into the house because the fire had spread to the kitchen! Are you fricking kidding me!

And we loose Olive!

After that, the firemen come, and bitch about not being able to get to the fire. It's all over the place, how can you not get to it! Calli works on putting other people out and the fire. And finally, it dies down. Grim came after that, I think he was waiting to see if there would be anymore casualties.

Olive went willingly into the great beyond.

Zander, begged and pleaded to stay. Oh please Grim, let him stay!

Calliope then challenged Grim to a chess match for Zander's life.

And lost! Dammit!

Pepper mourning for the loss of his sister, told us then he had to go. Next thing I know I get a pop up saying Pepper has died and Mint is in mourning! Really!!

Sonia then passes out.

With Harper soon to follow.

Calliope then gets the notification she has to graduate. Right now?! Ugh, so I cancel her leaving, as she would be passing out soon if I didn't get her to bed. And so she graduates in front of the toilet.

Oh look, it's Mint's turn to pass out!

I get Calliope off to bed, and get her needs back up. After that, we asked everyone to leave. Apparently watching the fire show wasn't enough for these guys, the had to hang out afterwards till they were not wanted anymore.
Bobo's birthday was next.

I was hoping Zander's IF would age up also, but it never did. I think cause Zander is dead now, the IF is just not an IF anymore.
Calli wasted no time in celebrating Bobo's age up.
Ummmm I don't think that is right!
"Shhhh, I love him!"
But, he's a doll!
"I know, isn't he a dreamboat!"
Nevermind, carry on.

What! No! Come on Calli!
"Go away, we're celebrating!"

She still couldn't give him the IF potion to make him real, as he was considered a distant friend. Hmm so they can woohoo, but he can't become real? Logic!
"Bobo, stand still, it won't hurt!"
You don't know any spells!
"I know one, I want to test it!"

Aww Harper!

So, we conclude this update with our first accidental death (Olive doesn't count since she was not living in the house anymore) We will miss you Zander!

Now for all the little things I left out up top. Calliope became Torch Holder 3. Her traits are: Grumpy, Insane, Family Oriented, Bookworm and Something else, I wrote down Grumpy twice

Her LTW: To Become a Mystic Healer.
This is the first generation I will have to use the fertility treatment, so lets hope for some babies!
Torch Holders - 3
Fulfilling LTW - 1
Births - 7
Twins -
Triplets -
Quads -
Honor Roll - 1
NPS reach top of career -
Every 100,000 - 11
Passing Out - 20
Wetting Self - 21
Failing School -
Taken by Social Worker -
Fires - 3
Accidental Deaths - 1
Total Positives = 300
Total Negatives = -235
Overall Total = 65
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